Magic Fractals
Magic Fractals & Shapes 3D Description - Please note! - This app is doing some heavy mathematical calculations in the background which leads to high energy consumption on your mobile device when you're in the fractal mode. Nov 14, 2011 Fractals make pretty posters, but they also describe stunning 3D molecular shapes. A fractal describes a geometric shape that has the same patterns at many different size scales, like a branching.
Welcome to the world of Fractals! With Aros Fractals you can explore some classical fractal images at extremely high resolutions (physical size and color depths). For the current version of Aros Fractals and other information, you've reached the correct destination. We are constantly updating information here, so visit often and let us know if there is additional material you would like to see here.System Requirements
All Platforms: Floating Point Unit (FPU). 8-bit video card (256 colors). Sufficient hard disk space to store large images.
Windows95: 486DX/25. 8M RAM.
Windows NT: 486DX/25. 16M RAM.
Macintosh: 68020. System 7.0. Thread Manager. 8M RAM. (Aros Fractals will let you know if it is missing any additional required components at startup time).
All Platforms: 32-bit video card (True Color)
Windows95: Pentium. 24M RAM.
Windows NT: Pentium Pro. 32M RAM.
Macintosh: PowerMac. 16M RAM.
File Download Area
Microsoft Windows:afx100.exe(165KB). This self-extracting program installs Aros Fractals on your system. Ensure that the installation path points to the correct harddrive (eg., C:
). Note this location since you may wish to create a shortcut for Aros Fractals after it is extracted.
Macintosh::afx100.hqx(419KB). This Binhex format file contains a self-extracting program, which expands into the Fat version of Aros Fractals.
Aros Fractals Gallery
In order to view the images at full resolution the file extension '.fxd'
must be associated with Aros Fractals. Some browsers prompt you to do this when you click on an image below for the first time. Alternately, your browser should have an 'Helper Application' option panel in which you can explicitly establish this property. Before you create the association, ensure that Aros Fractals is installed on your system.
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT: When you click on an image for the first time below, your Web browser may give you the option of 'Opening' or 'Saving' the file. Choose the 'Open' option. When the browser asks for a program file, select Aros Fractals from whichever directory you installed it. (eg., Program FilesAros MagicFractals).
Macintosh : MacOS files carry an invisible file signature property. In your browser, associate the filename suffix '.fxd'
to Application signature 'Arfx'
and File signature 'AfxD'
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©1998 Aros Magic.All rights reserved.
Magic Fractals
For general feedback of your valued comments we will respond as soon as we are able.
Fractal images are fun and you can download several free fractal generation programs on the Internet.
I like ChaosPro but there are many others and you can find an excellent list of fractal programs to download on Fractal Arts. For a more extensive list of fractal websites visit this site.
Fractals are a new discovery. Without computers nobody would have discovered them and without computers nobody would be looking at them.
Fractal math resulted in the development of Iterated Function Systems (IFS) that map a region of two dimensional space onto itself using a very small set of functions. The information needed to generate this fern, for example, is in a 'seed' file with only 7 numbers in four sets (28 numbers total). Each set has 4 matrix numbers, two vector numbers and a single probability number.
A whole forest has been 'mapped' onto a file of just 300,000 bytes. In any case, fractals are a very useful metaphor for understanding life.
Individual concepts - either thoughts or creatures - are like part of a fractal curve. One part of the design has an individual shape, with similar ones nearby. Each part is clearly different from its surroundings: different from the larger design it is part of, different from the smaller designs of its fine detail. But it does not exist by itself.
The existence and resolution of the fractal design depends on how many times the computer solves the fractal equation. If the equation is solved only a few thousand times, the design may not be visible at all.
Fractals are the surprising patterns that develop by graphing formulas of complex numbers on the two coordinates of your computer screen. The x axis (horizontal) represents real or ordinary numbers.
Magic Fractals App
The y axis (vertical) represents imaginary numbers (real numbers multiplied by the square root of minus 1).
In a metaphoric sense, this resembles the creation of awareness and its subsequent remaping of probabilities. Biological systems are exposed to real numbers. They 'map' these real numbers - expecting that future real numbers will be equal to those already experienced. The mapped numbers held in memory are imaginary, in the sense that they are expectations or representations of real numbers and exist on an imaginary plane. When imaginary numbers and real numbers turn out to be the same (or close enough not to trigger the sensory system), the result is nothing. No reaction, no dot on the display screen. In the Fractal shown to the left, no reaction is represented by black.
In the Mandelbrot fractal images no dot is represented by blue. When the expected number and the real one are not the same, the difference generates a point of awareness. The degree of difference between expected and real determines the degree of response. Because the sensors are all in different positions relative to the incoming signals, their combined flow of binary responses impose a second level of iteration in the next highest portion of the parallel computer - for example passing the information to processor clusters in the brain.
The internal computations are all very simple equations done on binary (yes-no) numbers and repeated millions upon millions of times per second. The operation of the retina of the eye is a reasonable example of what might be called parallel processing of fractal images.
A sea shell's decision to turn left or right is also based on hundreds or thousands of iterations of incoming sensory information matching real numbers against imaginary remembering. Threading into the equation is the internal state of the sea shell - hungry, frightened, sexually stimulated, searching for darkness or the light. The fractal equation of awareness, the constant remaping of real and imaginary based on surprise, has been solved by the experience of awareness learning new ways to minimize the error of expectations over several billion years.
Magic Fractals
Any one part of the structure of life on our planet - you or me, for instance - is clearly different from its surroundings and from the larger and smaller designs it is part of. But if we look closely enough at ourselves we find we are comprised of little iterations of becoming and if we look around ourselves we see we belong to larger iterations of becoming. And just like the fractal designs, no matter how closely you look, each pattern is similar, yet different from any other one.