Newspaper Wordpress

Are you running a news website? Then you’ll need a news plugin that makes it easy to read fresh relevant news on your site.

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In this article, we’ll show you some of the best WordPress news plugins that let you add live news to your website.

Choosing the Best WordPress News Plugins

Not every news plugin is created equal. However, here are some of the common features that you can find from a WordPress news plugin.

  • Live news ticker: A live news ticker that displays the latest news on your website.
  • News widget: A news widget that highlights the latest headlines on your widgetized area, including header, sidebar, footer, etc.
  • News importer: Import news from other sources and display it on your website.
  • Scrollers: A vertical and horizontal news scroll and rotation feature to display news updates professionally.

1. Live News

Google sheets for mac. Live News is a premium WordPress news plugin that allows you to display real-time news updates to broadcast the latest news, financial news, weather alerts, sports results, election polls, and more.

Newspaper Wordpress

The plugin offers 4 methods to publish news, manual posting, gathering headlines from your blog post or from a tweet and import news from an RSS feed.

It comes with 70+ customization options, multiple news display settings, and supports WordPress multisite network. It’s also translation ready to showcase the headlines in local languages.

2. WP Latest Posts

WP Latest Post is a WordPress recent news plugin. It lets you filter the content from your posts and pages to display news on your website. The plugin comes with 6 built-in themes to showcase news stylishly.

With automatic animation, it selects the news items from your content and displays them in a slider. It allows you to show or hide news elements. You can also optimize the images to reduce the page load time.

It works seamlessly with the Gutenberg block editor and offers a custom news block to add news items to your posts.

3. Simple News

Simple News is a free WordPress news plugin. It shows the image, title, date, excerpt, and link of the news on your front page. The news is sorted according to the publishing dates automatically.

News 9 Paper Theme

It allows you to set the image size and customize other options. It has custom a widget and shortcodes support to display the news on pages, posts, sidebar, footer, etc.

4. WP News and Scrolling Widgets

WP News and Scrolling Widgets is a dynamic WordPress news plugin. It builds a news archive to increase user engagement. The plugin offers scrolling news widgets and thumbnails to display the latest news on your website. Sims game for mac.

It comes with custom shortcodes to display or hide the news story. It’s also compatible with the Gutenberg shortcode block that lets you customize the story section on your website easily.

5. Ditty News Ticker

Ditty News Ticker is a multi-functional WordPress news plugin. It allows you to create custom news tickers and display them on your website using shortcodes or a widget.

It comes with 3 default ticker modes: Scroll Mode, Rotate Mode, and List Mode. The plugin also offers premium extensions to import news from Facebook, Twitter, RSS Feed, Instagram, and other sources.

6. XML Sitemap and Google News

XML Sitemap and Google News is an advanced WordPress news plugin. It creates custom feeds that work with the XML sitemap and the Google News Sitemap dynamically.

It works with seamlessly with almost every WordPress plugin. It’s also compatible with WordPress caching plugins to speed up your website.

7. News Announcement Scroll

News Announcement Scroll is a simple WordPress news update plugin. It lets you create a news group and customize the title, font, colors, etc. Sd formatter for mac download. To display the news, you can use their custom widget, shortcode, or template tag.

It also lets you customize news expiration date, vertical scrolling, number of news, localization, and more. The plugin is easy to set up and configure on any website.

8. Vertical News Scroller

Vertical News Scroller is a free WordPress news plugin that allows the administrator to add, edit, or delete the news items from the website. The plugin lets you manage the total number of news, news scrolling speed, height and width, font, and colors.

Newspaper Wordpress Elements

Other notable features include category filters, news order, thumbnails, excerpts, and more. It also offers a paid version with additional functionality and premium support from the plugin developers.

9. Yandex.News Feed

Yandex.News Feed is a WordPress Yandex news plugin. It allows you to convert the content from your WordPress posts and pages into Yandex news format instantly.

It supports Yandex turbo-pages, custom post types, taxonomy terms, categories, and more. The plugin is easy to set up and simplify the integration of any WordPress news website with Yandex.News.

Newspaper Wordpress Theme

That’s it!

Newspaper Wordpress Premium Theme Tutorial

We hope this article helps you find the best WordPress news plugins. You may also want to check out our guide on how to create a website like Reddit with WordPress.