Gentle Reader

Judith Martin (September 13, 1938 - ) American advice columnist (under the pseudonym 'Miss Manners')

Is a collaborative book of erasures of Romantic era texts by Joshua Beckman, Anthony McCann, and Matthew Rohrer. A book that perfectly encapsulates the contradictions and complexities surrounding the English Romantics is an erasure of their works: Gentle Reader! Gentle Reader Art Print by Karen Hollingsworth. Find art you love and shop high-quality art prints, photographs, framed artworks and posters at 100% satisfaction guaranteed.


Gentle Reads Book List

  • Civilized life begins with a boiled egg sitting upright in an egg cup.
    • Miss Manners column 'Egg On Their Face', June 19, 2005
  1. Gentle Reader saves you time and hassle by efficiently combining RSS feeds, bookmarking, and read-later services all in one app. What’s more, you have complete control over if, when, and how you discover new information with our unique matching function. Choose feeds to follow by entering keywords or websites into the search box 2.
  2. Gentle reader Definitions. The reader must not think this suggestion inconsistent with the character of one whom we have described as gentle.
  3. I hope the gentle reader will excuse me for dwelling on these and the like particulars Thus, gentle reader, I have given thee a faithful history of my travels for sixteen years and above seven months: If these odd relationships have troubled you, Gentle Readers, half as much as they have disturbed me, you have been sorely put upon.
  • Dear Miss Manners: What about Easter? I suppose you have etiquette rules that apply to Easter Day?
    Gentle Reader: Certainly, and when the Day of Judgment comes, Miss Manners will have etiquette rules to apply to that, as well.
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • Dear Miss Manners: What should I say when I am introduced to a homosexual 'couple?'
    Gentle Reader: 'How do you do?' 'How do you do?'
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • Dear Miss Manners: What is the proper way to eat potato chips?
    Gentle Reader: With a knife and fork. A fruit knife and an oyster fork, to be specific. Good heavens, what is the world coming to? Miss Manners does not mind explaining the finer points of gracious living, but she feels that anyone without the sense to pick up a potato chip and stuff it in their face should probably not be running around loose on the streets.
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • Miss Manners doubts that there is anything in the world like an elegantly dressed Bostonian lurching across the room and diving face first into a bowl of guacamole dip while simultaneously disengaging her bodice from her bosom. Therefore, Miss Manners has a wee bit of trouble preparing a general rule for dealing with this eventuality.
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior

Gentle Reader Columnist Crossword Clue

  • If you put together all the ingredients that naturally attract children - sex, violence, revenge, spectacle and vigorous noise - what you have is grand opera.
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • Traditionally, a luncheon is a lunch that takes an eon.
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • In a fit of exasperation, Miss Manners once demanded of a six-year-old person how it could be so childish and was forced to admit the justice of its reply, “I'm a child.'
    • Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • Machines do not have feelings... This is not to say that no inanimate objects have feelings -- toys are loaded with feelings, for instance, and only a monster would break the heart of a rag doll.
    • 'Park your car, not your manners,' March 29, 1981

External links[edit]

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Gentle Reader
Late in the night when I should be asleep
under the city stars in a small room
I read a poet. A poet: not
A versifier. Not a hot-shot
ethic-monger, laying about
him; not a diary of lying
about in cruel cruel beds, crying.
A poet, dangerous and steep.
O God, it peels me, juices me like a press;
this poetry drinks me, eats me, gut and marrow
until I exist in its jester's sorrow,
until my juices feed a savage sightGentle
that runs along the lines, bright

Gentle Reader Magazine

as beasts' eyes. The rubble splays to dust:
city, book, bed, leaving my ear's lust
saying like Molly, yes, yes, yes O yes.
-- Josephine Jacobsen
Hap Notes: Josephine Jacobsen (1908-2003) wrote fiction but her true love was poetry. This poem is a good illustration of that. Born in Canada she lived most of her life in Maryland. She attended no college and her first book of verse was published when she was 32. Most of her poetry was published after she was 50. She was part of no school or 'set' or academic enclave or conclave. Her work is pristine and delicious. She wrote fine and thoughtful poetry criticism, too.
She was Poet Laureate (or 'consultant' as they now call it and I sort of petulantly ignore from its business-like jerkiness) of the U.S from 1971-1973. She was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1994 and was awarded the Robert Frost Medal for Lifetime Achievement in 1997. In her tenure as consultant she grieved the lack of African-American poets attending the Library of Congress events and the infrequency of their being published. She had a considerable outreach program to change that which was fairly successful.
In 'Gentle Reader' she calls up Molly Bloom from James Joyce's Ulysses to describe her ecstasy at reading a poem. Here's a little piece of Molly Bloom's soliloquy:
'the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the queer little streets and pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower'

Gentle Reader Program

Joyce has, maybe, two periods in the whole chapter in which Molly speaks, forming his own sort of prose-poem as you read it. (Breaking off briefly to say that this is the only kind of prose-poem you will read here. I don't understand the term very well because to me, there is poetic prose and there's poetry. I don't see the necessity of having another genre. I have read some wonderful prose poems, I just always lament that they didn't finish it. It's like going to a painter's house and seeing a bunch of primed canvases with a pencil sketches on them- you can see it's going to be an interesting painting. But why won't he/she finish it? If you want to sketch on canvas, that's fine but it isn't called a painting, is it? A prose poem is a prose sketch, isn't it? How is it a poem? Just musing....)
Much of Jacobsen's poetry deals with the experience of being human and the natural world.

Gentle Reader

Here's a good Jacobsen quote: 'I don't really value very highly statements from a poet in regard to her work. I can perhaps best introduce my own poetry by saying what I have not done, rather than defining what I have done. I have not involved my work with any clique, school, or other group: I have tried not to force any poem into an overall concept of how I write poetry when it should be left to create organically its own individual style; I have not been content to repeat what I have already accomplished or to establish any stance which would limit the flexibility of discovery. I have not confused technical innovation, however desirable, with poetic originality or intensity. I have not utilized poetry as a social or political lever. I have not conceded that any subject matter, any vocabulary, any approach, or any form is in itself necessarily unsuitable to the uses of poetry. I have not tried to establish a reputation on any grounds but those of my poetry.'

Gentle Reader Karen Hollingsworth

You can find more Jacobsen here: